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Equity is fairness and justice. And it is the vehicle that propels humanity and makes life worthy.

Embracing equity connotes encouragement of fairness and justice. This affirms our need to always be just and fair in our engagements with others regardless of their race, faith, political ideology, or gender. Being fair embodies empathy toward others and promotes unadulterated goodwill.

The world, today, comprises people with different ideologies, values, and beliefs. It, however, should not breed bias, inequality, or prejudice, particularly on grounds of gender. A woman who merits the equal benefits entitled to with a male gender counterpart should not be denied that benefit on account of inferiority to the male. That would not only be inequity, but it would also make her life unworthy. It is, therefore, incumbent on us all to harmonize our different ideologies, values, and belief on a universal voice to ward off gender bias, gender inequality or gender-based vices, prejudice, or violence against women.

While the growth of the campaign is increasing, even with vast support from the male gender across all units and organizations, women are enjoined to champion this course even more, to help other women stand. This includes but is not limited to the assistance of other women’s entrepreneurial, political, and social goals. If the males are encouraged to embrace equity, women should not be found wanting in the arena of the same.

In Nigeria, efforts to elevate the relevance of women are often materialized. This is evident in a recent report that the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), through its Director General, Kashifu Inuwa, declared that it is possible for Nigeria to gain $230 billion in GDP growth by 2025 if equal participation of women in the digital economy is prioritized. He states that with a population of 104 million Nigerian females, it will be of great benefit for Nigeria to facilitate the inclusion of women in technology industries and bridge the technological disadvantages of women.

We, at TrustArthur, strongly believe that every sector of the Nigerian economy is saddled with the responsibilities of this vast inclusivity goal, particularly in the finance sector. It is on this premise that we as a company strive to equip skilled women in society with financial opportunities to accomplish their business goals and contribute to the goals of their respective families.

We celebrate every woman, today. And we will continue to Embrace Equity.

Happy International Women’s Day.


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