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Real Estate

Housing development plays a crucial role in every society, without which people would not have homes to retire in from their hectic daily activities. Moreover, office spaces, manufacturing plants, and other forms of structures developed for variety of works in society are products of housing development or real estate industry.

Real estate investments are stable, assuring, and lucrative. More particularly, ethical real estate investments, such as Islamic real estate, guarantees wealth creation with zero harmful or unlawful wealth creation or income generation.

At TrustArthur Limited, our Real Estate Notes complies with its vision to deliver ethical, profitable, and impactful investment opportunities to investors, leveraging tremendous opportunities available in the real estate sector, to allure diverse investors to grow their wealth without compromising their values. The underlying assets for this this Real Estate notes are High-yielding rental properties, guaranteeing investors’ accrued profits under their respective tenure.

The real estate sector creates its value and accommodating other sectors, giving credence to employment, establishing workspaces, contributing to the economic wealth, ensuring ecological habitat, and so on. Hence, our real estate note is not only to create ethical investment with competitive returns of de-risked assets, but to create impactful investment that contributes to socioeconomic growth and national upgrade that can be reckoned with.


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