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A webinar on “Navigating Nigeria’s Economic Landscape through the Lens of Islamic Finance” will be held by Trust Arthur, an ethical asset management company in collaboration with the Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals, as part of efforts to further the knowledge of Islamic Finance education in Nigeria.


The webinar is scheduled to hold on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 at 10:00am (WAT).


The guest speaker for the webinar is Tunde Ajani, the Chief Financial Officer of Trust Arthur and prominent Islamic Asset Management Company in Nigeria.


Tunde has an M.Sc. in Islamic Finance and Banking from the University Utara Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia, and a B.Sc. in Accounting from Lagos State University. He is an affiliate member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) in the UK as well as an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. He also holds certifications from IBFIM Malaysia as a Certified Islamic Financial Planner (CIFP) and a Certified Quality Management System Executive (CQMSE). He is an asset in the field of Islamic finance and accounting due to his extensive training and experience.  Ajani is presently pursuing a doctorate in Islamic finance.



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